5 things men need to know before learning about feminism

1. Don’t take it personally. The anger is not directed at you personally (unless you are being disrespectful or violent). It usually comes from trauma or exhaustion. Women have been persecuted in for centuries (see witches trials, rate of sexual violence, domestic abuse, or access to human rights such as abortion). We are angry, and are justified.

2. You will have to inform yourself and ask questions, not give your opinion. There will be many different opinions and way of approaching, you get to choose which one works best for you.

3. It will be uncomfortable. What you as a man represent is the perpetrator, many will need to get past this. Use compassion and respect in dialogue and conversation.

4. Be ready to listen.

5. Don’t expect women to do the work for you, come with questions but don’t expect lectures. Women give enough free labour as it is.

Last but not least, for those who are truly serious, thankyou for taking the time, for doubting yourself, and wanting to change.


Reflections on love


A dance with lady death