Writing The Body:
A workshop for creatives to get out of their minds

In a world dominated by logic and intellectual pursuits, this workshop invites participants to embark on a revolutionary act – embracing the wisdom that arises when we inhabit our physical selves.
— Virginia Vigliar

Workshop Overview

Writing the Body is a transformative workshop that guides writers and creatives on a journey to reconnect with their bodies. In a world dominated by logic and intellectual pursuits, this workshop invites participants to embark on a revolutionary act – embracing the wisdom that arises when we inhabit our physical selves.

I designed this workshop because I wished someone would have designed it for me a few years ago. I have found myself so often feeling like a floating head when I was writing (a lonely one at that!). I want to share with you what helped me get into my body, and write from a different part of the body.

Writing and creating require a lot of headwork, and so many of us know how to do be in our mind very well. But it is through emotions that we create, and emotions live in the body. During this online gathering, we will delve into various aspects of body-related writing, exploring different writing techniques, tips, and engage in dialogue and community. We will use movement, music, creative prompts, imagination, and much more to settle into a specific topic.

Writing The Body explores the art of writing through the body and the senses. This event is all about celebrating the beauty of our physical forms and the stories they hold. Whether you're an aspiring writer, a seasoned wordsmith, or simply someone interested in the power of storytelling, this event is for you!

You will come out more creative, and more present.

Workshop Intentions

  • Movement

    Using movement and imagination, we will get present in the body so that we can get to our creative work in a way that is free of limitations.

  • Sensuous Approach To Knowledge

    Inspired by the work of Minna Salami, this workshop explores an unconventional approach to knowledge, one that is not so centred on the mind but more on the senses.

  • Planting Seeds of Curiosity and Imagination

    My work is held by the work of many others who have inspired me throughout my life. In this workshop, I share inspiring content, reading recommendations, and exercises that plant a seed for you to water.

Despite the many reasons to mistrust the patriarchal man, we must know that this is not the only one there is. It is just the one that has survived best.
— Virginia Vigliar from An Ecological Approach to Masculinity


I stumbled upon Virginia's workshop and i am so happy i did. What is for you, finds you, and i definitely found an inviting space to ground myself and dedicate a moment that i didnt even realise was so necessary. She guided us as we travelled through our bodies and connected it back to the mind. Thank you!

Nina, Workshop Participant

Writing the Body was just what I needed! The embodiment preparation and writing prompts allowed me to access my internal world in ways I had not before, and it was profoundly connecting experience listening to others read their work. I had a very restful, deep sleep and mad symbolic dreams that night, and woke up feeling clear in my mind and peaceful. A joyful experience!

Lois, Workshop Particpant

More testimonials below


  • Virginia's workshop was very interesting and inspiring. I loved the different perspectives, ideas, and recommendations she brought to each topic and how she encouraged expression above productivity. It helped me get out of my head and just start writing. I would definitely recommend her workshops for an interesting and personal experience.

    Workshop Participant

  • As a creative in the field of film and artistic research, this workshop was a gem to get your mind thinking outside of it's usual patterns. It got you out of your head and into a more physical state, connecting with other parts of your body. With each prompt throughout the workshop, it stimulated an immediate post-movement response as well as a space to share and hear others' experiences. Each writing prompt was rooted in an immediate response rather than an anticipated or prolonged waiting period, which in my experience keeps you in your head and can feel limiting to creative writing. It did not feel overbearing but rather each prompt shared by Virginia was a guiding line rather than a "to do" or "should do" -- I would recommend this workshop to anyone in a state of creative block or simply looking for alternatives to connect your body to your work! - Allison

    Allison, Workshop Participant

  • I loved Virginia’s Writing the Body workshop. It was exactly what I needed to reconnect to my creativity by landing more in my body and getting out of the mind. I recommend this workshop to any kind of creative (and that means everyone!) I’ll be returning to do this again 100%.

    Tara, Workshop Participant