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Question Everything.

I have been exposed to a narrow vision, my conditioning has blinded my judgement. And so, I want to share this mantra I wrote with you. “Question everything, the way you have been told about history, the people involved, the people left out of the narrative. Acknowledge your privilege, always. Know that it has conditioned you in ways so subtle they are integrated into your skin tone and have been made invisible to you. Who are you? What is the colour of your skin? Your sexual orientation? your gender (if you believe it exists)? Question how your education, the loves you have been exposed to, your social status, your parents (the list could go on), have conditioned your way of thinking. We base our story on the narrative we are exposed to, and that is not an ultimate truth. History is conditioned by those who tell it, and therefore so is your reality.”
Feel free to question me. .


Thoughts on Destruction & Reality


Indigenous rights for Al Jazeera