As a narrative investigator, I shift, reframe, and question narratives around social justice and feminism. I offer a horizon-expanding content production process that enables a broader reflection on issues we care about. I use a mixture of methods that I have acquired during my lifetime, from my expertise working for ten years in the humanitarian sector to my journalism, narrative work, as well as the tools I have acquired through personal development and work.
I offer perspective through a process that is creatively and intuitively built, I speak to people that have developed their methods through unusual routes, and believe strongly in bringing more than one perspective to the table.
I mix my research and method with dialogue and collaboration, in fact, I believe it is a key factor for social change. Just as learning to listen to each other and acknowledging that our personal experience and narrative often dictate our truth. I aim to question internal and external conditionings with grace, creativity and openness.
I apply this methodology in writing, language and content creation, and I also offer advice on communications strategy, digital communications and social media. My method sits between the personal and the political, I am planting new seeds and reflecting together with the reader on how we can perhaps see things differently in order to change them.