Dancing with Discomfort- a sensorial workshop for a changing world

This sensorial workshop aimed to use sensorial stimulation as a channel to discover the emotions behind our climate grief. This essay is the seed for this workshop.

After a summer of wildfires, heatwaves, and tropical storms all have had a toll on how we exist in the world, this workshop brought together 10 individuals who wanted to experience this grief collectively.

As a society, many of us are waking up to the fact that the way humans have been living has been a huge contributor to the poly-crisis we are facing: climate change, recession, and racial injustice are exacerbating.

A fast-paced society allows for very little time to sit with this discomfort. We say, let's.

This sensorial journey walked us through our relationship with discomfort in a safe space. Through dialogue, sensorial stimulation, movement, and in community.

Hosted by me and Fia Wagner (a somatic facilitator), we were overwhelmed by the response the workshop had. A participant was able to recall a distant memory from her childhood and re-connect it to her current grief about the planet. Other participants were deeply touched by the approach we proposed and felt it was a poetic way to grapple with such an overwhelming feeling.

It was a whirlwind of beauty, grief, and many emotions. We are very grateful.


Ode to Poetry